
Terms and use Conditions - Copyright

Intellectual property

This web Site is property of BCD-CORONA & C. S.p.A. located in Italy, Cascine Vica - Rivoli (To), Via Aosta, 22/24.
The Italian laws on intellectual property and the international conventions signed by Italy protect the contents of this Site and the related software; they cannot be reproduced by any means and on any support without explicit consent of CORONA & C.

The law protects the property of any brand, logo, image or materials in the Site. The legitimate owners hold such copyrights even when granted to CORONA & C.
The fraudulent alteration of this Site’s contents, from anyone executed, will be legally pursued.

Materials and images

This Site includes, together with material copyrighted by CORONA & C., images achieved from different sources that can be protected by various forms of copyright licences of public domain use.
When possible we tried to use for this Site declared public domain material.

The material classified as Public domain does not have copyrights and it is not demanded permission to copy and to use it (within the limits of good use).
The material distributed with specific licence for free use is and remains exclusive property of legitimate owners. Any use is submitted to the original licence.
When Copyrighted material was used, we tried to find the legitimate owner of each image, to ask the authorization. However, when it has not been possible and if someone believes that its rights have been infringed, we apologise and ask a contact to be able to resolve an unintentional issue.

It is prohibited, except for strictly personal purpose, whichever use (copy, even partial, or hardcopy) of material contained in this Site in any way not stated by the proper licence of use.
Strictly personal use is intended to be the back-up just on one personal computer or the prints finalized to personal use records. It is intended not strictly personal use the distribution and the transmission, comprised the publication on other sites, their modification, disclosure, re-use by merging in other documents or files, and whichever kind of composition.

CORONA & C. is not in any way responsible neither could be held liable for rights infringements that the owner of granted material would question to users whom, in any way, infringe such rights. The responsibility of these infringements is and remains of the user who carries them out.

Use of BCD brand

Logos and marks BCD e BCD - Brevetti Costruzioni Diesel are of exclusive property of CORONA & C. spa.

The correct use of BCD logo is encouraged and supported with specific material.
We appreciate to be identified as source with the expression: Use granted by BCD CORONA & C. Italy.

Anyone who plans to use it on its site or in advertisement, promotional material or as plain reference, please call CORONA & C. asking for an approval and explicit authorization.

BCD products images

The use of the images of BCD products is restricted to previous authorization and involves source reference, with the expression: Use granted by BCD CORONA & C. Italy.

Any misuse will be pursued according to the law.

Last update Nov.2011